
Tehdään yhdessä!

Me 4.-luokkalaiset teimme videon, kuinka pitäisi toimia kohteliaasti ja ottaa kaikki mukaan leikkiin.


The Final Report

Dear friends,
Our Comenius Project has come to the end. It has been a great experience for all of us. We are very grateful that we have had this opportunity to visit new countries, learn many new things and get to know new friends in other project schools. We hope that we will keep in touch in the future as well. THANK YOU!


School Garden

Our school garden is ready for summer. We hope it will be a sunny and warm summer - and not too much rain!

Solar oven

One of our last tasks was making a solar oven. Unfortunately we don´t have enough sun shine here in Finland right now so it doesn´t work like it should be. But it was a new idea for us anyway!


The Final Green Corner

Last week we had our spring festival. We presented the Green Corner to parents and other festival guests. Many nice pictures, information and memories to share.


The Last Project Meeting in Romania

Three teachers travelled to Romania on 18.-23.5.2015. It was the last project meeting and we had a great time there. Greetings to all Comenius Project friends in Portugal, Spain, Italy, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Greece, Cypros and Turkey! We hope that we´ll meet again some day!


Project meeting in Hungary

Three teachers and two students travelled to the Hungarian meeting on March. We had a great time in Törökzentmiklos, Szolnok and Budapest. Thank you for the great meeting, our Hungarian friends! We will meet again in Romania on May!


Doll houses

The 3rd and 4th grade students made small doll houses for Easter. There is a green garden in every doll house yard! Last year we made small doll houses for birds, remember THESE?


Building a Green City

The 3rd and 4th graders started this project by thinking what does the term "green city" mean. We discussed green energy and the green way of living in a city.

The next step was to plan the energy saving and eco friendly buildings and spaces. The students were given a task to be architects and design their own "green" building or space which they would build later out of recycled material.



The students came up with great ideas. For example the farm is running with solar and wind energy. There is also a methane power plant. Some of the buildings have green roofs and water cleaning systems. In winter the city gets its clean water from melting snow. Solar panels and wind turbines are commonly used. The school has big windows so that light gets in even in winter times. The museum has a glass ceiling so the sunlight warms up the building and there is less need for lighting. The Farm and the communal garden will provide food for the citizens.

From planning to action...

and the outcome.